Time Out

Time Out
If you’re going to be bad, you might as well be really good at it! Even in the corner in time-out, this little demon just can’t help but be delighted with her mischievous shenanigans and we can’t help but be delighted with her!
My absolute favorite book growing up was Prince Bertram the Bad, by Arnold Lobel. I can still picture exactly where it was located in my elementary school library. It’s a simple story - a bratty Prince terrorizes the kingdom until he messes with a witch and gets himself turned into a dragon and banished. Time passes and the boy/dragon saves the witch from freezing to death. She rewards him by turning him back into a boy and returning him to his family. While on first impression, it may sound like a “Be good, or else” cautionary tale, to me it always reads differently. Even as a child, I was intrigued by the idea that we have both good and bad inside of us. Still when I thumb through it, I’m delighted by his bad behavior and think he made the most adorable dragon.