My artistic journey
While I’ve always considered myself creative, I didn’t call myself an Artist until midlife. While technically “self-taught,” I’ve never been alone on this journey. Instead, I’ve been so lucky to be supported by amazing teachers, coaches, mentors, peers, and cheerleaders along the way that have encouraged me to find and use my unique voice in my artwork.
I’m passionate about bringing artists and art lovers together. I’m currently serving on the leadership team for Artburst Studios.

Crossroads, twists, and turns
As a lover of intersections, it’s not surprising that I’ve had varied experiences and many roles throughout my life. Being an artist wasn’t my first (or second, or third…) career path. Though I’ve had the opportunity to act in a variety of “productions”, I find that I’m always cast in the same role. So, whether I’m painting or sculpting or teaching or catching babies or starting a business or writing research papers or creating facilitation trainings, I’m ALWAYS inviting engagement, cultivating creativity and working to bring more good into the world. I pull from all of these experiences when I create my characters.