Q&A with Rebecca Berman

Why do you paint?

“The focus required to paint forces me to close the excessive open tabs that so often crowd my brain. When I’m painting, I feel more grounded and connected - to my family, my friends, strangers, the universe - you get the idea. Painting provides a respite from the “busyness” of my life, and allows me to be both more vulnerable and more brave. Also…making stuff with my hands just really makes me happy.”

What is your favorite part of your creative process?

“Oh! That’s an easy one! My favorite part of the process is figuring out the story behind the figures that emerge in my paintings. Understanding the story is important for me to feel connected to the subjects I’m painting.  My current work as an artist, as well as my previous work in healthcare, psychology and education, have all been influenced by my interest in the experience of emotional connection with others.”

You’re clearly into “intersections” - why is that a big deal for you? 

“Like many fellow creatives (and ADHD’ers), I’ve got A LOT of interests - and I’ve had the privilege of getting to jump into so many of them. I find the most interesting bits of my life are where these interests overlap. I love finding these intersecting edges. Like a web, I feel like these underlying threads hold us all together. I paint because I love discovering these connections, and I share my work in hopes that it invites others to feel connected in some way too.”

Anything else you’d like to add?

“Yes. I’m a complete rockstar at Escape Rooms.”