The secret ingredient to my strength training program...
As a self-proclaimed cheetah, I’m used to the intense pattern of sprinting through my days, weeks, and projects and then collapsing into the depths of an all encompassing cheetah-nap. It can be an exhausting existence, but also really fun and exhilarating. I’m used to zipping around like a speed boat, but at this moment, something deep inside me is yearning to be a canoe, gently rocking side to side as I slowly inch my way down a quiet stream. I’m not crumpled in a heap or hiding under my covers and I’m not even itching to pick up the pace… I’m just relishing this rare feeling of enjoying gently moving forward.
Here’s how it’s been playing out:
In My Studio
I’ve taken on a couple of commissioned pieces with soft deadlines and I’ve really enjoyed spending the time to really get to know these characters in my studio.
I’m finishing up this sweet growth-obsessed girl and soon she’ll be headed to her forever home to live with her sister painting. I just adore this tomato-loving lady!
I visited a psychic who does crystal readings, and she helped me create new paths to bring my positive intentions into my art.
If you’ve never been, but have always been curious, I recommend the folks at Goddess Isis Books for a first reading.
They’re pretty lovely.
I’ve revisited painting in oils by going back and painting over older pieces I’d previously done in acrylics.
While I’ve always loved the ability to blend colors and the frosting-like texture, in the past, I’ve lacked the patience for the slow-drying time.
This little sweetness-in-progress has been keeping me company this week and seems to be enjoying her new slow makeover.
Outside the Studio
You may know that I help put together online art shows as part of the leadership team at Artburst Studios. Although I absolutely adore the theme, I decided to NOT create a body of work for the next show (February 22-24th). Instead, I stepped back out of the spotlight, and focussed my energy on helping to curate and produce the upcoming show from behind the scenes. The show theme is “Stories We Tell” and we’ve pulled together a talented group of artist storytellers. I hope you get a chance to check them all out next month, but for today, it is my pleasure to introduce you to the tender narratives of Blanche Guernsey and Jeanine Pennell. I bet you’ll love their work!
Not to worry, I’ll be back on the Artburst stage with an all new collection for the show, “An Unexpected Twist,” in May.
In the Wild
My online running coach often starts his advice with the qualifier, “This is about running…and this is NOT about running” and so I’m going to borrow his phrase to tell you that this concept of gentle movement has been about my art and also NOT just about my art…and it’s even been a bit about running! Stick with me and I’ll explain.
“Active Recovery” is a term that I initially learned from the running community. The idea is that you can rest and recover, while you are still running. This can mean incorporating a “recovery run” into your routine, where you run at a gentle enough pace that running feels easy-breezy. Active recovery can also happen in the middle of a run when you do something that allows you to recuperate energy - like effortlessly floating down a hill. However you are actively recovering, the goal is the same: to take care of yourself in a way that allows you to KEEP GOING, whether that means finishing a race or getting back on another starting line the next day.
Me and my live-in coach.
This was a run we did together on Mother’s Day, when Sammy taught me how to recover by floating down hills.
I’m so proud to say that I ran more last year than I have in decades, and I know that it’s largely due to the integration of active recovery in my running process.
I found that adding gentleness made me stronger.
That’s right, my secret ingredient to strength-training turned out to be this gentle movement of active recovery. Maybe I should have, but I honestly didn’t see this one coming.
I’m obsessed with this concept at the moment, and I’d love to hear about the ways that YOU make things easier on yourself, without stopping altogether, that allow you to keep showing up for the things that are most important to you.
For real.
Please, reach out, send me a note,
I’m all ears!
Ok, one last thing!
This April, I’ll be opening my very first solo show here in Denver. The gallery space is inside a brewery and so I’ll be able to host a bit of a party for the opening reception. If you’re at all nearby, I’d really love it if you’d come! I don’t have dates, details or a theme worked out just yet, but I can confidently say that the concept of gentle strength will be making an appearance!
Take care of yourself and I hope to connect with you soon,
xo Rebecca